Come and See!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

November 2008 Dates & Events at First Presbyterian

Sunday November 2
  1. The Lord's Supper will be celebrated.
  2. Youth and children begin practice for the Christmas play. Practice will be on Sunday mornings at 9:45am every Sunday. The play will be presented in morning worship Sunday December 14th.
  3. There will be a congregational meeting following morning worship to elect a nominating committee

Tuesday November 4, 11 & 18

  • Our Kids for Christ afterschool program will be meeting from 3:30 to 5:00.
  • November 18th will be our last meeting for this semester.

Wednesday November 5, 12 & 19

  • Our middle school and high school youth will meet from 5:30 to 7:00pm.
  • Wednesday November 19th will be our last meeting for this semester.

Tuesday November 11th

  • Presbyterian Women will meet in the fellowship hall at 9:45am.
  • The session will meet in the fellowship hall at 6:00pm.

Friday November 21st

  • 6:00pm Chili Supper followed by the Hanging of the Greens

Wednesday November 26th through Saturday November 29th

  • Jim, Laurie & Mignon will be in Bridgeport, TX for Thanksgiving

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Church on the River

Church on the River will be Sunday October 19th at 10:30am at Curt and Jennifer Kneese’s house. It is on South 377 about 1 mile past the South Llano State Park on the left. Look for the sign. The meat, tea and beans will be provided. Those attending are asked to bring salads, vegetables or desserts.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Upcoming Events for 2008

September 16
Kids for Christ, our after school elementary program begins. 3:30 to 5:00 we will be picking children up at school. KFC will continue to meet on Tuesdays throughout the school year.

September 17th
DoC's our Middle School and High School youth group begins to meet tonight from 5:30 to 7:30. We will pick kids up after athletics and we will have supper at the church. The DoC's will continue to meet every Wednesday evening during the school year.

The DoCs at John Knox Ranch

September 19th
We are responsible for 5th Quarter with the Methodists.

September 24th
See you at the pole 6:00pm at the courthouse.

October 4th
Men's Breakfast 8:00am in the fellowship hall.

October 11th through 13th
Family Camping Trip

We will be going camping October 11th through the 13th. Yes, that is a Saturday through Monday, but Monday is Columbus Day and the kids will be out of school.

Where: Guadalupe River State Park near Boerne

If you can only participate Saturday and Sunday that is fine.

Please RSVP by Wednesday, Oct 1st. Call the church office at 446-2165.

The camp sites have water and electric hookups if you would like to bring a camper. The camp site fee is $20.00 per night. Once we know who will be going on the trip, we can make food arrangements.

October 14th

The Presbyterian Women will meet at 9:45am in the fellowship hall.

The Session will meet at 6:00pm in the fellowship hall.

October 19th
Church on the River
Two times a year we have church off site and worship with Presbyterians from Rocksprings, Harper, and Sonora, TX. We will meet at the Kneese’s on the South Llano River for worship and a picnic lunch.

October 22

Health Fair Fundraiser for the Ministerial Alliance 8am to 3pm we need folks to serve lunch and put the lunches together.

October 24th and 25th

Mission Presbytery Meets

October 27th through 30th

Jim and Laurie will be at Mo-Ranch for a Couples in Ministry conference. KFC and DoC's will not meet this week.

November 21st

3rd Annual Hanging of the Greens and Chili Supper 6:00pm