The Harper Presbyterian Church will host a combined worship service with the First Presbyterian Church of Junction Sunday May 17th on the Pedernales River just outside of Harper. We will gather at 9:30am at the church in Junction for those who would like to ride the van or follow. We will meet on the river at 10:30am and begin worship at 10:45am. There will be a potluck meal following worship. The Harper church will be providing meat and drinks. Please bring a side-dish or dessert to share.
From Junction or West of Harper:
To get there from Junction take I10 East to 290. Take 290E through Harper to the blinking light. Turn Right at the blinking light onto 2093 also called Tivydale Rd. go about 2.9 miles turn right at electric gate look for sign, saying Church Here!, the 911 address is 19549.
From Fredericksburg or East of Harper:
Take 290W to Harper and Turn Left at the blinking light onto 2093 also called Tivydale Rd. go about 2.9 miles turn right at electric gate look for sign, saying Church Here!, the 911 address is 19549.