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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Scripture & Questions (7/24/11)

Isaiah 43:16-21 (ESV)     
Thus says the Lord,       
who makes a way in the sea,       
a path in the mighty waters,    
[17] who brings forth chariot and horse,       
army and warrior;   
they lie down, they cannot rise,       
they are extinguished, quenched like a wick:    
[18] "Remember not the former things,       
nor consider the things of old.    
[19] Behold, I am doing a new thing;       
now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?   
I will make a way in the wilderness       
and rivers in the desert.    
[20] The wild beasts will honor me,       
the jackals and the ostriches,   
for I give water in the wilderness,       
rivers in the desert,   
to give drink to my chosen people,        
[21] the people whom I formed for myself   
that they might declare my praise. 

Questions for Reflection         
The key verse is 19 and the theme is about new things and being able to start over. You may find it helpful to read all of chapter 43. God contrasts the past and the future. When all the former things have been put behind, there will be a new song of praise for God’s people to sing.
1.    What past deeds of God were related by Isaiah to illustrate his point? (43:16-18)
2.    What forsaken land and its animal inhabitants would recognize God’s activity among His chosen people? (43:19-21)
3.    Why do you think God’s people sometimes fail to perceive His provision for them?
4.    Why was God continually reminding Israel of how He delivered them from Egypt?
5.    What attitudes lead us to neglect worship and prayer?
6.    What is sometimes difficult about remembering that God has forgiven and forgotten our past sins?