Come and See!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Scripture & Questions for Sunday (2/5/12)

1.    Men’s Breakfast Saturday morning at 8:00am come and bring a friend!
2.    Our Tuesday after school program resumes this Tuesday February 7th @ 3:30
3.    Presbyterian Youth Fellowship (PYF) resumes Wednesday February 8th @ 6:00 if you might be willing to provide dinner please call Jim.

Scripture for Sunday
Mark 1:29-39
    As soon as they left the synagogue, they went with James and John to the home of Simon and Andrew. [30] Simon's mother-in-law was in bed with a fever, and they told Jesus about her. [31] So he went to her, took her hand and helped her up. The fever left her and she began to wait on them.
    [32] That evening after sunset the people brought to Jesus all the sick and demon-possessed. [33] The whole town gathered at the door, [34] and Jesus healed many who had various diseases. He also drove out many demons, but he would not let the demons speak because they knew who he was.
    [35] Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. [36] Simon and his companions went to look for him, [37] and when they found him, they exclaimed: "Everyone is looking for you!"
    [38] Jesus replied, "Let us go somewhere else--to the nearby villages--so I can preach there also. That is why I have come." [39] So he traveled throughout Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and driving out demons.

Questions for Reflection
1.    What do you like or dislike about being alone?
2.    What does our society think of loners?
3.    What is most difficult to you about praying?
4.    Where did Jesus go, and why did he go there? (1:35)
5.    What did Jesus consider important? (1:35-39)
6.    What did Simon and his companions do when Jesus went to pray alone? (1:36-37)
7.    Why do you think Jesus had to spend so much time in prayer if He was the Son of God?
8.    How should we follow Christ’s example of praying?