On Thursday at 7:00pm we will have a Maundy Thursday service of communion
celebrating Christ’s last supper with the disciples.
Friday at 7:00pm we will have a Tenebrae service remembering the death of
Christ on the cross.
Saturday before Easter the Manse will be open for everyone to stop by and take
a look at the completed improvements.
Easter Sunday we will have an Easter Egg hunt at 10:00am our youth should
arrive around 9:30 to hide the eggs for the children. Please bring some cookies
to share coffee and juice will be provided. We will also be flowering the
Easter Worship at 11:00am
Holy Week culminates on Easter Sunday with the church universal celebrating the
risen Christ. As Christians we are called to fulfill the Great Commission in
our daily lives. Holy Week can give us an opportunity to do this by inviting a
friend to worship with us. Ask someone to “Come and See!” Our worship is about
seeing Jesus. Let us all help our friends to see our living savior.