Topics: Blindness, Faith, Healing, Miracles, Persistence, Prayer
Open It
*1.When has persistence paid off for you?
2.In what circumstances might it not be good to be persistent?
Explore It
3.Where did the events of this story take place? (10:46)
4.Where was the blind man sitting when Jesus passed by? (10:46)
5.What was significant about the way the blind man addressed Jesus? (10:47-48)
*6.Why did the people rebuke the blind man? (10:48)
*7.How did the blind man respond to the criticism from the crowd? (10:48)
8.What do the blind man’s actions tell you about his character and his attitude toward Jesus? (10:48)
*9.How did the crowds of people treat Bartimaeusafter they found out Jesus had called for him? (10:49)
10.How did Bartimaeus react when Jesus called him? (10:50)
11.How did Jesus help Bartimaeus? (10:51)
12.How did Bartimaeus respond to Jesus’ question? (10:51)
13.How did the blind man’s actions reveal to Jesus that he had faith? (10:52)
14.What did Bartimaeus do after Jesus had healed him? (10:52)
Get It
15.What do you think motivated the blind man to call out for Jesus?
16.Why do you think Jesus singled out Bartimaeus for healing among the many needy people He must have encountered along the way?
*17.When have you persistently prayed for one particular request? What happened?
18.What role does persistence play in prayer?
*19.What does it mean to be persistent in prayer?
20.What specifically can you learn from Bartimaeus’sexample?
21.What connection is there between a person’s faith and whether God answers their prayer?
22.What does this passage tell you about Jesus’ attitude toward hurting people?
23.How does Jesus’ actions in this account encourage you to get more involved in helping others?
Apply It
*24.What is one request that you will commit yourself to pray for regularly this week?
25.How is it possible for a Christian to increase his or her faith?