Come and See!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Scripture & Questions for Sunday (10/6/13)

Please Read The Story Chapter 25 Jesus, the Son of God, Matthew 17, 21; Mark 8-12, 14; Luke 9, 22; John 7-8, 11-12

Who do you say I am?  It was the most important question Peter was ever asked.  People did not know what to make of this Jesus.  He was like no other rabbi.  His claims about Himself were outrageous and way out of line if He were merely human. Two thousand years had passed since God promised Abraham that through his seed all nations would be blessed.  A thousand years had passed since God promised David that his descendant would reign forever.  Now, in Jesus, God’s marathon plan of redemption was sprinting toward its climax.  Peter’s answer to the question would change his life forever.
“You are the Messiah,” Peter confessed.  Then Jesus began to teach His disciples that this messianic mission included suffering, death and a resurrection from the dead.  They objected to this idea of a Messiah, but Jesus rebuked them.  His mission was set, and no one could come between Him and the cross.  In fact, He taught His disciples that they too would need to lose their lives to save them.   
Jesus took Peter, James and John up a mountain and gave them a glimpse of His future glorification.  When He was transfigured before their very eyes, they fell face down in fear.  Jesus had often made “I Am” statements connecting Himself to the name YHWH or “I Am.”  Then a voice from heaven stated that Jesus was the Son of God, thereby confirming His assertions.  
I AM the light of the world.  I AM the bread of life.  Jesus declared that failure to believe in Him would have eternal consequences—you would die in your sins.  But the Pharisees knew full well the weight of the “I AM” statements – and Jesus’ claims to be God were, to them, nothing short of blasphemy.  From then on, their hatred of Him ripened into an assassination plot.   
I AM the resurrection and the life.  Despite getting word that His friend Lazarus was on his deathbed, Jesus delayed His journey.  By the time He arrived, Lazarus had been entombed for four long days.  Sisters Mary and Martha mourned their brother’s death, disappointed that Jesus had not arrived in time to heal him, but Jesus assured the women that His delay was for divine glory.  At His command, Lazarus walked out of his tomb, vindicating Jesus’ assertion that He alone is the Source of life.   
The march toward Jerusalem continued.  His time was fast approaching, and He had to prepare the disciples for what lay ahead.  He told them that the kingdom of God is accessible to those with childlike trust and humility, not through performance.  Along the way, Jesus met a rich young man, who had performed well since childhood.  Jesus told him that discipleship, for him, would mean giving away his riches.  Unable to part with earthly wealth, the young man walked away from Jesus’ offer.  So strong is the lure of riches that, as far as the gospels record, this is the only time Jesus’ offer was refused.  
For the third time, Jesus told them that His work included suffering, death and a resurrection after three days.  Now, it was time for Jesus’ grand entrance.  He sent His disciples to fetch appropriate transportation, and a colt was just where Jesus said it would be.  He mounted the donkey and triumphantly rode into Jerusalem as people laid down their coats and branches on the road and hailed Him as the long awaited King, son of David!   
Jesus was preparing to glorify the Father’s name.  He continued to offer eternal life to all who would believe.  The incensed Pharisees instilled fear in many; some who did believe kept quiet.  But Jesus’ claims were non-negotiable; He was the only Source of eternal life, the climax and culmination of God’s redemptive plan.  Who do you say I am?  It is the single most important question that everyone must answer.    
  1. Jesus said we must “deny ourselves” and “take up our cross;” and if we seek to save our lives we will lose them. (p. 291-292).    What are the implications of these commands for your life, such as marriage, parenting, and career ambition? 
  2. Jesus was transfigured on the mountain (p. 292).  The Greek word translated transfigured is the root of the English word metamorphosis which refers to a radical change.  This same word is used in Romans 12:2 and 2 Corinthians 3:18.  What do these verses teach us about the transformation of every believer?  
  3. Look up 1 John 1:5-7 and 2:8-11.  What did Jesus mean when He said that “whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (p. 294)?    What does this look like for the Christian living a typical daily life?
  4. Look up Exodus 3:14, Isaiah 43:11-13, and John 5:18.  Why did Jesus’ opponents try to stone Him (p. 295)?  How might you answer the skeptic who says that Jesus never claimed to be God?
  5. Up to this point, Jesus had claimed to be the bread of life, the water of life and the light of life.  And here with Mary, Martha, the disciples and a crowd of mourners, He claimed to be the resurrection and the life with another I AM statement (p. 296).  What is the relationship between belief and life?  Between belief and resurrection?
  6. Why do you suppose Jesus was “deeply moved in spirit,” “troubled,” and wept?  Consider Genesis 2:17, Romans. 6:23, 1 Corinthians. 15:26, Hebrews. 2:14-15 and I Thessalonians 4:13-17.  How has your faith helped you deal with death?    
  7. Three times Jesus predicted His death and resurrection (p. 291, 292, and 299; Mark 8:31, 9:30-31, 10:32-34) and followed each with a lesson on discipleship (p. 291 [Mark 8:34-38], Mark 9:33-37, Mark 10:35-45).  What principles of discipleship did Jesus teach and why would He relate them to His Passion? 
  8. After Jesus entered Jerusalem as the rightful King of Israel, He cleansed the temple because some had turned it from a house of prayer into a place of corruption (p. 300).  Suppose Jesus walked into our own church.  With what would He be most pleased?  What corrections might He make?
  9. At what points was Jesus’ humanity most evident to you?  His deity?