Please read all of 2 Kings chapter 4
Questions for Reflection
1. What are the feelings that go along with debt and financial hardships?
2. Whose prayers do you want when you are facing life’s most daunting problems?
3. What was the predicament of the widow of one of the prophets? (4:1)
4. How did Elisha make use of what little the widow had to provide for her by faith? (4:2-6)
5. When did the oil stop flowing for the widow and her sons? (4:6)
6. What circumstance have you faced in which you were afraid to hope?
7. What were the evidences of faith in how the Shunammite woman behaved after her son’s death?
8. In what different ways did Elisha show compassion in this set of incidents?
9. When have you hesitated to ask someone to pray for you because you felt self-conscious?