Prayer Request from Diana Snodgrass. Please add the following family members to our prayers list:
My brother-in-law, Wallace "Pepper" Snodgrass. He had heart surgery surgery yesterday and is doing great. His wife and my sister-in-law, Jane Snodgrass, has just been diagnosed with lung cancer. She had an appointment last Friday with a surgeon to see if the cancer could be removed but couldn't get there because of the snow. So the appointment has not been rescheduled yet.
Their daughter Stephanie Kelton lives across the street from her parents. She is an RN and has almost finished her physician's assistant degree in psychology. She is a single mother who takes care of her parents when they are ill. So she will be caring for both parents through their difficult illnesses while finishing her degree and taking care of her teenage son.
Please pray for health and healing for both, Pepper and Jane, and strength for their daughter to help her parents, finish her schooling and be a mother to her son. They and I would appreciate all prayers.