- Men's breakfast tomorrow morning at 8:00 AM, coffee will be ready by 7 AM if you would like to come early and visit.
- Elder training will be tomorrow 9 to 4 at the McMillan's river place.
- SOUPER BOWL SUNDAY will be February 7th. Please bring canned soup for our local food bank.
- Jim and Laurie will be in Abilene Sunday afternoon through Tuesday for her grandmother's funeral. We will NOT have youth group this Sunday or the after school program on Tuesday.
- Beginning Wednesday, February 10th at 5:30 PM, Jim will be teaching a Lenten Bible Study on the healing ministry of Jesus. Please come join us. The class will last for 4 weeks finishing Wednesday March 2nd.
- The Lenten Luncheons begin on Wednesday, February 10th at noon at the First Baptist Church multi-purpose building. We are to help with desserts this week. Please talk to Linda Johnston if you would like to help.
- Sunday, February 14th we will begin a Confirmation Class for the youth of our church. We will meet in the green room on Sundays beginning at 5:00 PM. We will meet each Sunday through March 14. Confirmation and a baptism will be on Palm Sunday.
- Sunday, February 14th at 6 PM we will be having an Italian themed covered dish dinner and will host mission co-workers Charles and Melissa Johnson of San Antonio. They will give a presentation on their upcoming trip to Africa.
P.O. Box 898, 201 S. 11th Street Junction, TX 76849 325-446-2165 Email: fpcjunction(at)yahoo(dot)com Sunday School 9:45am Morning Worship 11:00am
Come and See!