Vacation Bible School and Camp-Out
July 7-8, 2017
2017 FPC VBS for our church family begins on Friday, July 7th. We will meet at the church at 2:00 PM to carpool to the campsite at the McMillan cabins. We will spend the night and have scheduled events on Saturday. Fish Fry for the entire church family on Saturday night at 6 PM (eat at 7 PM) then clean up and disband.
Please RSVP for camp-out ASAP to Jim or Laurie, Molly, Teena, Sandra or Linda Moss or with the church office by July 5th. If your child is under 8 and spending the night, they need an adult chaperone, so please plan on that.
Supply list: bug spray, sunscreen, cap or hat, river shoes, tennis shoes and socks, change of clothes, swimsuit, large towel, flash light. Life jacket. Bring an extra washed T-shirt (plain) for craft. Put your name on everything. NO electronics please. If you are spending the night bring a sleeping bag, your preference for mattress or cot, and pillow.