Come and See!

Friday, January 12, 2018


COMING SOON | Church Membership Directory!!
It’s been several years since our church has done a membership directory and we’re bringing it back! Over the course of January, Jim will have his camera set up in the Parlor. Following morning worship on any Sunday during January, step back there to have a family picture taken. The digital version of your family picture will be emailed to you so you can print a copy for your home! After all the pictures are taken and assembled, we anticipate the directory will take about a month to create.  We hope to have the final, printed version complete in March. 

Annual Congregational Meeting is Sunday, January 14th following morning worship.

Elder Training will be Saturday, January 20 9 AM to 1 PM at the McMillan cabins.

Pot Luck fellowship lunch Sunday, January 21 following morning worship.  Please bring a dish to share.