Come and See!

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Scripture for Sunday (1/3/2021)

Happy New Year! 

Men’s Breakfast will be Saturday, January 2nd at 8 AM. Coffee will be on at 6:30, so come early for some fellowship.

Scripture for Sunday
Isaiah 60:1-6 (ESV)
1 Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you. 2 For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the LORD will arise upon you, and his glory will be seen upon you. 3 And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising. 
4 Lift up your eyes all around, and see; they all gather together, they come to you; your sons shall come from afar, and your daughters shall be carried on the hip. 5 Then you shall see and be radiant; your heart shall thrill and exult, because the abundance of the sea shall be turned to you, the wealth of the nations shall come to you. 6 A multitude of camels shall cover you, the young camels of Midian and Ephah; all those from Sheba shall come. They shall bring gold and frankincense, and shall bring good news, the praises of the LORD.

Matthew 2:1-12 (ESV)
1 Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, 2 saying, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” 3 When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him; 4 and assembling all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Christ was to be born. 5 They told him, “In Bethlehem of Judea, for so it is written by the prophet: 
6 “‘And you, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.’” 
7 Then Herod summoned the wise men secretly and ascertained from them what time the star had appeared. 8 And he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, “Go and search diligently for the child, and when you have found him, bring me word, that I too may come and worship him.” 9 After listening to the king, they went on their way. And behold, the star that they had seen when it rose went before them until it came to rest over the place where the child was. 10 When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. 11 And going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. 12 And being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their own country by another way.

YouTube Link:

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

January 2021 Newsletter

Happy New Year! Click on the link to view the latest newsletter.

January 2021 Newsletter

Have a great day!
~ Carmen 

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Scripture for Sunday (12/27/2020)

Sunday, December 27th we will have worship at 11 AM. There will be no Sunday School. Sunday School classes will resume January 3rd.

Scripture for Sunday
Luke 2:22-32 (ESV)
22 And when the time came for their purification according to the Law of Moses, they brought him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord 23 (as it is written in the Law of the Lord, “Every male who first opens the womb shall be called holy to the Lord”) 24 and to offer a sacrifice according to what is said in the Law of the Lord, “a pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons.” 25 Now there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon, and this man was righteous and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. 26 And it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ. 27 And he came in the Spirit into the temple, and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him according to the custom of the Law, 28 he took him up in his arms and blessed God and said,
29 “Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace, according to your word; 30 for my eyes have seen your salvation 31 that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, 32 a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel.”

YouTube Link:

Scripture for Christmas Eve Service (12/24/2020)

Merry Christmas! Christ the Savior Is Born!

Celebrate the birth of our Savior at the First Presbyterian Church Thursday evening at 6:00 PM. We will be having our annual candlelight Christmas Eve Service and celebrating the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. The service will also be live streamed on Facebook and uploaded to YouTube later in the evening.

Sunday, December 27th we will have worship at 11 AM.  There will be no Sunday School. Sunday School classes will resume January 3rd.

Scripture for Christmas Eve
Matthew 1:18-21 (ESV)
18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. 19 And her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to divorce her quietly. 20 But as he considered these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. 21 She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”

Luke 2:1-12 (ESV)
1 In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. 2 This was the first registration when Quirinius was governor of Syria. 3 And all went to be registered, each to his own town. 4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the town of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, 5 to be registered with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child. 6 And while they were there, the time came for her to give birth. 7 And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.
8 And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9 And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with great fear. 10 And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. 11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. 12 And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.”

YouTube Link:

Monday, December 21, 2020

Scripture for Sunday (12/20/2020)

Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Service will be Thursday at 6PM.

Scripture for Sunday 
Luke 2:1-7 (ESV)
1 In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. 2 This was the first registration when Quirinius was governor of Syria. 3 And all went to be registered, each to his own town. 4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the town of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, 5 to be registered with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child. 6 And while they were there, the time came for her to give birth. 7 And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.

Matthew 2:1-8 (ESV)
1 Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, 2 saying, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” 3 When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him; 4 and assembling all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Christ was to be born. 5 They told him, “In Bethlehem of Judea, for so it is written by the prophet: 
6 “‘And you, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.’” 
7 Then Herod summoned the wise men secretly and ascertained from them what time the star had appeared. 8 And he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, “Go and search diligently for the child, and when you have found him, bring me word, that I too may come and worship him.”

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

B. Lee Spiller Service (12/15/2020)

Our church family lost a very special member. 
Barbara Lee Spiller, B. Lee to those that knew her well, passed peacefully from this life on December 11, 2020.  The graveside service for B. Lee was for immediate family only. Click on the link below to view a video of the service. Please keep the Spiller family in your thoughts and prayers. 

You can view her obituary here

Monday, December 14, 2020

Worship Service for Sunday (12/13/2020)

Children's Christmas Play 2020

YouTube Link:
FPCJ & HPC Worship 12132020

Friday, December 11, 2020


Please be in prayer for the families of Margaret Prud’homme (Kay Tillman’s Mother), Edith Swift (Charlie Swift’s mother) and Billie Noguess. They have gone home to be with their Lord.

Sunday, December 13 will be our Annual Children’s Christmas Play. After Church we will have a luncheon. The church will be providing meat, please bring something to share.

Cookbooks are available for purchase in the church office for $15. They will make nice Christmas gifts!

First Presbyterian Church of Junction doors will be open for members who wish to attend in person, and services will continue to be broadcast live on Facebook and on YouTube. For members who choose to attend in person please remember do not attend services if you are sick, practice social distancing by maintaining appropriate distance between people; maintain good hygiene by washing your hands frequently, and using hand sanitizer, using your elbow to cover coughs, and not touching your face. Masks are available on the table beside the bulletins for those who would like one.

Friday, December 4, 2020

Scripture for Sunday (12/6/2020)

Men's Breakfast will be Saturday morning (12/5) at 8 AM. Coffee will be on at 6:30 so come early to visit.

December 13 will be our Annual Children’s Christmas Play. After Church we will have a luncheon.

First Presbyterian Church of Junction doors will be open for members who wish to attend in person, and services will continue to be broadcast live on Facebook and on YouTube. For members who choose to attend in person please remember do not attend services if you are sick, practice social distancing by maintaining appropriate distance between people; maintain good hygiene by washing your hands frequently, and using hand sanitizer, using your elbow to cover coughs, and not touching your face. Masks are available on the table beside the bulletins for those who would like one.

Scripture for Sunday 
Luke 2:1-7 (ESV)
1 In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. 2 This was the first registration when Quirinius was governor of Syria. 3 And all went to be registered, each to his own town. 4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the town of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, 5 to be registered with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child. 6 And while they were there, the time came for her to give birth. 7 And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.

YouTube Link: