Please be in prayer for the families of Margaret Prud’homme (Kay Tillman’s Mother), Edith Swift (Charlie Swift’s mother) and Billie Noguess. They have gone home to be with their Lord.
Sunday, December 13 will be our Annual Children’s Christmas Play. After Church we will have a luncheon. The church will be providing meat, please bring something to share.
Cookbooks are available for purchase in the church office for $15. They will make nice Christmas gifts!
First Presbyterian Church of Junction doors will be open for members who wish to attend in person, and services will continue to be broadcast live on Facebook and on YouTube. For members who choose to attend in person please remember do not attend services if you are sick, practice social distancing by maintaining appropriate distance between people; maintain good hygiene by washing your hands frequently, and using hand sanitizer, using your elbow to cover coughs, and not touching your face. Masks are available on the table beside the bulletins for those who would like one.