This is the last week we will be collecting for Meghann's car. For those of you who may not know we are taking donations to purchase a car for Meghann Zigmond. You can make your check to First Presbyterian Church, but in the memo write Meghann's Car, or Meghann Zigmond, that way it will get to the right place. We have had some contribution but not enough to purchase a dependable car. Please help if you can.
Meghann had absolutely nothing to feel positive about when we first found her. She could not work because Junction has no licensed day care. CPS became involved because of an abusive husband. He is not allowed to see the children without a case worker supervising. So she is responsible 24/7 for the care of both girls. Her refrigerator was broken. She has no family nearby. No transportation, and two beautiful little girls, one which is Autistic. No family counseling available locally for her or the children. Meghann is overwhelmed. The closest counseling is in Kerrville. She has faced many challenges and having a car would make it possible for her to work and care for her children once school starts. No, there is no guarantee she will do the wise thing with what we give her. But I feel God is at work in this, and I trust Him, any gift is really us being His hands and feet. God said to care for the windows and orphans. I have seen no one who fits that description more. Thank you for giving. ~ Brenda Murr