Come and See!

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Information about Sunday Service (5/3/2020)

April 30, 2020

Dear Church Family,

Last week when the session met and decided to open church to those who felt comfortable attending, there were no cases in Mason. As of yesterday there are 14 confirmed Covid 19 cases in Mason. I spoke to all of the elders yesterday by phone. On Sunday May 3rd we will have worship at 11 AM following the guidelines set out by the Governor. If you are concerned at all, please stay home. Many of our church members fall into the higher risk category and we expect that you will do what is best for your health. We will also continue to stream live on Facebook and put the recorded service on YouTube.


  1. Strongly encourage the at-risk population to watch or participate in the service remotely.
  2. Designate an area inside the facility reserved for the at-risk population, or offer a service for at-risk population attendees only.
  3. Ensure proper spacing between attendees.
  4. Keep at least two empty seats (or six feet separation) between parties in any row, except as follows: Two or more members of the same household can sit adjacent to one another, with two seats (or six feet separation) empty on either side.
  5. At-risk population are those who are 65 or older, especially those with chronic lung disease; moderate to severe asthma; chronic heart disease; severe obesity; diabetes; chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis; liver disease; or weakened immune system
  6. Two individuals who are not members of the same household but who are attending together can sit adjacent to one another, with two seats (or six feet separation) empty on either side.
  7. Alternate rows between attendees (every other row left empty)

We will have every other row of pews roped off to keep us spaced out. Masks will be available for those who want one and the doors will remain propped open so no one has to use door handles. The offering plate will be left in the back of the church, we will not be passing the plate. We will also have hand sanitizer available.

The church is doing everything it can to make the sanctuary safe; however, we need your cooperation. If you have any symptoms or feel that you might have been exposed in anyway please stay home for the safety of others. While you are at church please maintain six feet of social distance. Please no shaking hands or hugs. We know that this is hard and goes against our natural inclinations but in this time it is important.

Please know that you are loved and if you feel like it is not yet time for you to return to church we understand. Please call us if you need anything.

Jim and Laurie