Greetings Church Family,
Tuesday the Elders of our church met for our regular meeting. A motion was made that we begin to open the doors of the church Sunday May 3rd for those who want to attend. This coming Sunday April 26th will still be online only. It will be live streamed on Facebook at 11am and later available on YouTube.
Here is the motion that was unanimously approved.
Since some members cannot attend weekly worship services due to lack of remote capabilities and we feel a need to accommodate all members, and since there are no confirmed or suspected cases of COVID-19 in Kimble County or within our church membership, I make the following two motions:
That the First Presbyterian Church of Junction notify its membership that the doors will be open beginning on May 3, 2020 for members who wish to attend in person, and that services will continue to be broadcast live and on YouTube until further notice. For members who choose to attend in person, it is requested that you follow CDC and State guidelines and
(1) Not attend services if sick,
(2) Practice social distancing by maintaining appropriate distance between people;
(3) Maintain good hygiene by washing your hands frequently, using hand sanitizer, using your elbow to cover coughs, and not touching your face; and
(4) Cleaning and disinfecting work areas frequently.
Secondly, that Reverend Barker will discuss our plans with other churches in the community and will make the final determination on whether or not to initiate the first motion through member notification. This motion is made in the spirit of community cooperation and in the desire that we not be viewed as a renegade church or one which is bucking a cooperative effort among the churches. Should this be the case, he will notify the Session.
With that, if you are concerned at all please stay home. Many of our church members fall into the higher risk category and we expect that you will do what is best for your health. If you are showing any signs or symptoms, fever, cough or shortness of breath please stay home from church for the benefit of others. If you come to worship please refrain from shaking hands or hugging. I know that this is hard for many of us but it is best for now. When you sit in the pews please spread out.
I encourage you to continually lift each other in prayer. Pray for our medical professionals and our first responders. Pray for those who continue to address the needs in this community in the face of this illness. Pray for the vulnerable. Love and serve one another and Christ loves and serves us. And remember that our blessings far outnumber our troubles.
First Presbyterian Church
Jim and Laurie Barker
P.O. Box 898 | Junction, TX 76849
Church 325-446-2165
Jim's Cell 325-215-9017
Laurie's Cell 325-446-7950
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