Come and See!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Scripture & Questions for Sunday (2/28/16)

Mark 12:1-12 (ESV)  
And he began to speak to them in parables. "A man planted a vineyard and put a fence around it and dug a pit for the winepress and built a tower, and leased it to tenants and went into another country.  [2] When the season came, he sent a servant to the tenants to get from them some of the fruit of the vineyard.  [3] And they took him and beat him and sent him away empty-handed.  [4] Again he sent to them another servant, and they struck him on the head and treated him shamefully.  [5] And he sent another, and him they killed. And so with many others: some they beat, and some they killed.  [6] He had still one other, a beloved son. Finally he sent him to them, saying, 'They will respect my son.'  [7] But those tenants said to one another, 'This is the heir. Come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be ours.'  [8] And they took him and killed him and threw him out of the vineyard.  [9] What will the owner of the vineyard do? He will come and destroy the tenants and give the vineyard to others.  [10] Have you not read this Scripture:
    " 'The stone that the builders rejected
        has become the cornerstone;
    [11] this was the Lord's doing,
        and it is marvelous in our eyes'?"
 [12] And they were seeking to arrest him but feared the people, for they perceived that he had told the parable against them. So they left him and went away. 

Questions for Reflection

  1. When have you ever been cheated out of something that was rightfully yours?
  2. What was your reaction to a time when you were cheated?
  3. To whom was Jesus speaking? (12:1)
  4. Whom do the farmer, servants, and son in the parable represent? (12:1-6)
  5. Why did the owner of the vineyard send so many servants to the tenants looking after the vineyard? (12:2-5)
  6. How did the tenants treat the owner’s son? Why? (12:7-8)
  7. In what ways is it possible to mistreat the messengers or message God has sent us?
  8. How does God want us to treat His message?
  9. How can we show respect for the message God has given us?